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If You Play, You Agree...

The Corona del Mar lacrosse program is dedicated to providing its participants with a quality lacrosse experience, combining a high level of competition with an environment enabling its student-athletes to develop and enhance the skills and attributes necessary for success well into their future. Throughout these efforts, CDM Lacrosse is committed to preserving the honor of the game and the true spirit of competition. To help fulfill its mission, CDM Lacrosse expects that all participants abide by its Code of Conduct. Failure to do so may result in immediate suspension or dismissal from the program.

1. CDM lacrosse players are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that honors the game and demonstrates respect for teammates, coaches, opponents, officials and spectators.


2. Performing, permitting, encouraging, or condoning actions that are dangerous or demeaning to another player, coach, official or spectator is unacceptable.


3. Players will take personal responsibility for communicating their tardiness or absence from all CDM Lacrosse related events.


4. Players taking Boys Lacrosse as a 7th/8th Period class for a grade agree to treat 7th/8th Period Lacrosse with the same level of respect and responsibility applied to their other academic courses at CDM.


5. Players are expected to wear all of the necessary and required equipment for participation in lacrosse.


6. Players are expected to report any and all injuries to a member of the program’s medical and/or coaching staff.


7. Each player is to take responsibility for his own athletic career. Any, and all, issues and/or concerns with respect to the lacrosse experience at CDM should be initially addressed by the player directly to a coach. If subsequent discussions involving the player’s parents are warranted, the player will be present for those discussions as well.


8. Players are expected to treat all CDM facilities and equipment with respect. The program will not tolerate any actions of vandalism or actions that result in damage to property. CDM lacrosse will hold its players legally and financially responsible for any and all damages they may cause to the property or facilities at CDM or any, and all, fields and facilities visited by the CDM lacrosse program.

9. Players are not permitted to be in the possession of, or under the influence of, alcohol, drugs, and/or tobacco products.


10. CDM Lacrosse players go to class, on time, with the intent to add value to the educational experience for everyone.


11. CDM lacrosse players do not tolerate bullying in any form, from anyone, toward anyone.


12. CDM lacrosse players don’t litter.


A CDM Lacrosse Players Should Always Consider:

Family • Character • Citizenship • Teammates • Academics • Doing What’s Right, Not What’s Easy


© 2024 by CDM Lacrosse

Proudly supported by the CDM Lacrosse Boosters, a CA 501 (c) 3 corporation

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